The Genealogies of Modernity Journal

Philosophy & Religion Anna Ezekiel Philosophy & Religion Anna Ezekiel

Philosophy in Letters

Varnhagen’s letters are increasingly gaining recognition, not just as records of a brilliant mind and the struggles of a Jewish woman of the time, but as works of literature and philosophy.

Anna Ezekiel explores the possibility of an epistolary philosophy in Rahel Varnhagen

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Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity


Each month we keep track of the different paths modern life is taking right now and how writers are trying to keep up. Here are some routes we found in February that opened up new vistas on what it means to be modern and how we became that way.

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Literature & Arts Lyle Enright Literature & Arts Lyle Enright

Keeping the Rhythm

Lexi Eikelboom argues, in a new way, that theology always begins from these most ordinary places, driving us deeper into such moments instead of out and away from them.

Lyle Enright explores the impact of taking rhythm seriously

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Decline & Renewal G. Marie Aquilina Decline & Renewal G. Marie Aquilina

Man Is a Social Organism

The body politic metaphor became proof that the immigrant and the dependent were biologically incompatible with the rest of society. The community that grew out of this interpretation shaped itself in strange, unsettling, and inhumane ways.

G. Marie Aquilina traces the history of eugenics as a distortion of the body politic

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Decline & Renewal Emily A. Davis Decline & Renewal Emily A. Davis

The Turn to the Body

The turn toward the body had three important effects on modern political philosophy: it naturalized security, individualized liberty, and privatized property.

Emily Davis reviews Birth of the State by Charlotte Epstein

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Philosophy & Religion Geoffrey Karabin Philosophy & Religion Geoffrey Karabin

The Heaven of the Transhumanists

To adopt the transhumanist vision is to think of incarnate reality as something to be saved from. To adopt Gabriel Marcel’s vision is to recognize that our salvation, or at least hope for our salvation, is already present before us.

Geoffrey Karabin presents two visions for a post-modern heaven

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Literature & Arts Lyle Enright Literature & Arts Lyle Enright

Get Rhythm

This back-and-forth will grow and stretch and change and, somehow, we will recognize that we have been caught up together in another, greater boundedness all along.

Lyle Enright reviews Lexi Eikelboom’s Rhythm: A Theological Category

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Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity


Each month we keep track of the different paths modern life is taking right now and how writers are trying to keep up. Here are some routes we found in January that opened up new vistas on what it means to be modern and how we became that way.

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Philosophy & Religion Anna Ezekiel Philosophy & Religion Anna Ezekiel

The Forgotten Young Hegelian

In light of Brentano-von Arnim’s recognition by the Young Hegelians and her association with the Silesian Weavers’ Uprising, it is remarkable that her political writing is so rarely considered in work on the development of Communism.

Anna Ezekiel examines the contributions of a neglected Left Hegelian

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Philosophy & Religion Nate Tinner-Williams Philosophy & Religion Nate Tinner-Williams

Creating a Home for Black Catholicism

If Black Catholics—having lived through repeated disappointments and the demoralizing treatment of their ancestors—are exhausted in the fight, now is the perfect time to find new strength and take heed of history as the Church changes all around them.

Nate Tinner-Williams carves out a space for Black Catholicism

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