The Genealogies of Modernity Journal

Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity


Each month we keep track of the different paths modern life is taking and how writers keep up. Here are some routes we found in December on what it means to be modern and how we became that way.

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Philosophy & Religion Ryan McDermott Philosophy & Religion Ryan McDermott

Nietzsche Was Not a Genealogist

Contrary to Foucault’s account of genealogy, Nietzsche characterizes his enterprise as the discovery of the true (singular) origin of intellectual and cultural phenomena. Genealogy, in his disparaging account, gets it wrong.

Ryan McDermott develops an answer to the question: what is genealogy?

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Decline & Renewal Erik Dempsey Decline & Renewal Erik Dempsey

A Lawless Man

Montaigne was charting new, and uniquely modern, territory. We embrace ourselves, as ourselves, and try to learn to be ourselves, rather than striving to become something other.

Erik Dempsey reviews Pierre Manent’s Montaigne: Life Without Law

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Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity


Each month we keep track of the different paths modern life is taking right now and how writers are trying to keep up. Here are some routes we found in November that opened up new vistas on what it means to be modern and how we became that way.

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Literature & Arts Emre Çetin Gürer Literature & Arts Emre Çetin Gürer

Hagia Sophia as a Living Event Space

What is remarkable about Hagia Sophia’s transformations is the ways in which it was architecturally transformed in line with the politico-spatial turning points in the region’s history… These architectural changes have the power to reinforce, and even ignite, historical change.

Emre Çetin Gürer maps the space of historical change in the Hagia Sophia

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Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity


Each month we keep track of the different paths modern life is taking right now and how writers are trying to keep up. Here are some routes we found in October that opened up new vistas on what it means to be modern and how we became that way.

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Literature & Arts Krystal Marsh Literature & Arts Krystal Marsh

Eating Elizabethan

Food can have a transportive quality that can transcend where or when you are and take you somewhere and sometime else. However, food’s histories and transcendent qualities are never only personal.

Krystal Marsh eats her way across history

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