The Genealogies of Modernity Journal

Decline & Renewal Arthur Aghajanian Decline & Renewal Arthur Aghajanian

Setting Sail for Truth

What ‘The Steerage’ pictures are the complexities that the myth of American immigration ignores. The truth is, it has never been a one-way trip to the promised land.

Arthur Aghajanian reflects on an Alfred Stieglitz photograph

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Decline & Renewal Jonathan Heaps Decline & Renewal Jonathan Heaps

Humanities beyond the Crisis

This sense of repetition—of just how persistent the titular state of “crisis” in the humanities has been—gives one pause. It is in the space of this pause that their criticisms may land with force.

Jonathan Heaps reviews Permanent Crisis

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Decline & Renewal Andrew Latham Decline & Renewal Andrew Latham

Nuclear Counterfactuals: Part II

Truman’s decision was an inevitably flawed human attempt to come to grips with a wicked problem, in the absence of perfect knowledge and in the full knowledge that the stakes were world-historical in significance.

Andrew Latham on counterfactuals and the atom bomb

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Decline & Renewal Fred Bauer Decline & Renewal Fred Bauer

Developing an Off-Liberalism

Rather than being merely anti-liberal or anti-postliberal, the off-liberal reveals (and perhaps revels in) the heterogeneity of sources for the so-called “liberal” order.

Fred Bauer on developing an off-liberal approach to modern political predicaments

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Decline & Renewal John Dolan and Jordan Wales Decline & Renewal John Dolan and Jordan Wales

How AI Will Change Us

The meaning of our personhood becomes a necessary object of examination wherever some technology is deeply entwined with our lives, particularly when that technology purports to replicate what we are.

Jordan Wales and John Dolan on AI and us

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Decline & Renewal Daniel Cunningham Decline & Renewal Daniel Cunningham

Giving Utopia Its Due

Abjuring the legacy of utopianism distances us from one of the prime affective and intellectual forces motivating such modern ideals as popular sovereignty, human rights, and social progress.

Daniel Cunningham on the need for utopias

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Decline & Renewal Takeshi Morisato Decline & Renewal Takeshi Morisato

The Problem of Japanese Modernity

Because Japan had grafted what was available in Anglo-European modernity onto its socio-political and cultural milieu (i.e., fūdo 風土), Japan ended up with a strange mixture of ‘super-modernity’ and ‘pre-modernity’ as their peculiar form of ‘modernity.’

Takeshi Morisato on the thought of Maruyama Masao

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Decline & Renewal Terence Sweeney Decline & Renewal Terence Sweeney

The Ecology of a Different Modernity

A new modernity will be marked by a different account of the good life with a different set of shared loves. Kate Soper shows that underneath our tawdry love of stuff there are deeper, more interesting loves.

Terence Sweeney reviews Post-Growth Living and finds in it a counter-modern modernity

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Decline & Renewal Brendan Case Decline & Renewal Brendan Case

Marriage Made the West WEIRD

Joseph Henrich’s account shows that much of what we take to be typically modern habits of mind—individualism, impersonal prosociality, an acute sense of guilt—were already deeply imbedded in the Western psyche by the High Middle Ages.

Brendan Case reviews The WEIRDest People in the World

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