The Genealogies of Modernity Journal

Literature & Arts Vaishnavi Patil Literature & Arts Vaishnavi Patil

Universal Mother

Kher promotes more fluid conceptions of genealogy, encouraging viewers to consider that ancestry goes beyond the markers of culture, race, and ethnicity.

Vaishnavi Patil on Bharti Kher’s Ancestor and imaging motherhood

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Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity

Best of 2022

Here are some of our favorite books from 2022. Perhaps some of these books will end up source texts for future genealogists. So, if you are making reading resolutions for 2023, we have you covered!

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Decline & Renewal Terence Sweeney Decline & Renewal Terence Sweeney

Living in Liturgical Time

If time is only contingencies, then Christians will lose their way in time. But if time is a place in which the eternal emerges, then there is a path for Christian thinking within a liturgical life.

Terence Sweeney resists the modern flattening of time

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