Each month we keep track of the different paths modern life is taking right now and how writers are trying to keep up. Here are some routes we found in December that opened up new vistas on what it means to be modern and how we became that way.
The man who kept Latin ever new just passed. Requiescat in Pacem.
In the era of global capitalism, imagining the lives of others is a crucial form of solidarity.
The Triumph of the Sexual Revolution Seems Stunningly Swift. But Its Roots Go Back Centuries.
Two great pieces from The Hedgehog Review:
Turns out the man who said the past is not even past was a futurist.
We cannot grow as moral persons unless we hold onto our regret.
And two Church Life Journal articles on Christian genealogy:
Are we all Marcionites now? On diagnosing modernity’s retro heresies.