The Genealogies of Modernity Journal

Decline & Renewal Alexandrea Pérez Allison Decline & Renewal Alexandrea Pérez Allison

Recipes for a Different Modernity

Using these recipes privileges cultural memory and tradition over efficiency and precision. Thus, we participate in the ritual of cooking not as a means of scientific inquiry or perfection, but to strengthen the community ties that bring us together at the table.

Alexandrea Pérez Allison on cookbooks and modernity.

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Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity



Each month we keep track of the different paths modern life is taking right now and how writers are trying to keep up. Here are some routes we found in September that opened up new vistas on what it means to be modern and how we became that way.

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Literature & Arts Dwight Lindley Literature & Arts Dwight Lindley

The Guillotine or the Cross

Here is the simple truth on which Dickens has founded his Tale, a truth that still resonates today. It is still the best of times, still the worst of times, but there is no time that cannot be redeemed by love.

Dwight Lindley finds a stark decision in Charles Dickens.

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Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity



Each month we keep track of the different paths modern life is taking right now and how writers are trying to keep up. Here are some routes we found in August that opened up new vistas on what it means to be modern and how became we that way.

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Decline & Renewal John Buchmann Decline & Renewal John Buchmann

Modernity in the Balance

Ideas have afterlives: they live on in subcultures that intentionally preserve them, in practices that have long lost their justification, and in our contradictions and nagging doubts.

John Buchmann offers a genealogy of balance and economics.

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