The Genealogies of Modernity Journal

Decline & Renewal Terence Sweeney Decline & Renewal Terence Sweeney

Ghoulish Genealogies

The genealogical description insists on erasing hundreds of years of Christian life. The writer awkwardly alludes to Christianity but cannot imagine that it has any real importance except as a machine for appropriating pagan practices.

Terence Sweeney critiques pop-genealogies of Halloween

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Philosophy & Religion Darren Sarisky Philosophy & Religion Darren Sarisky

A Rejoinder to Irving

As my colleague Pui-Him Ip and I were planning the Theological Genealogies of Modernity conference, which took place in 2021, we wanted to shed light on certain basic issues regarding genealogies of modernity.

Darren Sarisky on his recent work for Modern Theology

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