The Genealogies of Modernity Journal

Literature & Arts Trevor Cribben Merrill Literature & Arts Trevor Cribben Merrill

Writing After Girard

Girard is not only an academic theorist but a veritable agent of culture who has shaped the thinking of writers around the world…. But where there is influence, there is also the potential for anxiety.

Trevor Merrill on novel writing after Girard

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Decline & Renewal Ali S. Harfouch Decline & Renewal Ali S. Harfouch

Inventing the Sovereign State

In telling a story that accounts for sovereignty, we can think through the possibility of a politics without sovereignty and the implications that such a politics would have on liberatory politics

Ali S. Harfouch on modernity, Islam, and second creators

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Literature & Arts Tom Break Literature & Arts Tom Break

Waiting on Value

The possibility of an event, of perceiving a thing in the difficulty of what it is to be, of a momentary vision with an other-worldly value, is necessarily predicated on a certain degree of silence.

Tom Break on patience and contemplation

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