The Genealogies of Modernity Journal

Decline & Renewal Daniel Cunningham Decline & Renewal Daniel Cunningham

Giving Utopia Its Due

Abjuring the legacy of utopianism distances us from one of the prime affective and intellectual forces motivating such modern ideals as popular sovereignty, human rights, and social progress.

Daniel Cunningham on the need for utopias

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Literature & Arts Jeffrey Wald Literature & Arts Jeffrey Wald

Death with Dignity

We are not isolated individuals… We are social creatures dependent on one another. If our life has an enormous social element, might not our death likewise?

Jeffrey Wald considers death in Christopher Beha’s What Happened to Sophie Wilder

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Literature & Arts Jacob Martin Literature & Arts Jacob Martin

The Music World Needs Haydn

Haydn condenses whole universes into his symphonies. Emphasizing his folkishness at the expense of his elegance, his grace over his passion, his control over his weirdness is a disservice to the world.

Jacob Martin on Haydn and renewing orchestral music

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Philosophy & Religion Br. Christopher Daniel O.P. & Br. John Henry Peters OP Philosophy & Religion Br. Christopher Daniel O.P. & Br. John Henry Peters OP

A Counter-Modern Intellectual Life

That Sertillanges finds these practical matters necessary for someone to live a properly intellectual life reveals a key insight: the intellectual is a human being, and a human being is more than just a spiritual soul.

Brs. Christopher Daniel and John Henry Peters on the intellectual vocation in the modern world

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Philosophy & Religion Anne M. Carpenter Philosophy & Religion Anne M. Carpenter

Keeping Tradition Alive

The arduous, the precarious measure of a tradition’s renewal is the measure of our own lives, in our own responses to the one thing necessary. It is we ourselves who look back, and it is we who look forward.

Anne Carpenter on living tradition in Charles Péguy and Maurice Blondel

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Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity


Each month we keep track of the different paths modern life is taking and how writers are keeping up. Here are some routes we found in June that opened new vistas on what it means to be modern and how we became that way.

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Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity Interviews & Pathways Genealogies of Modernity


Each month we keep track of the different paths modern life is taking and how writers are keeping up. Here are some routes we found in May that opened new vistas on what it means to be modern and how we became that way.

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