The Genealogies of Modernity Journal

Decline & Renewal Terence Sweeney Decline & Renewal Terence Sweeney

Living in Liturgical Time

If time is only contingencies, then Christians will lose their way in time. But if time is a place in which the eternal emerges, then there is a path for Christian thinking within a liturgical life.

Terence Sweeney resists the modern flattening of time

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Decline & Renewal Duncan Reyburn Decline & Renewal Duncan Reyburn

History Wobbles

Human history is human above all other things, and human beings are not merely predictable. And that is why we should be cautious in our trend-spotting and forecasting.

Duncan Reyburn on Chesterton and the wobbliness of time

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Decline & Renewal Ali S. Harfouch Decline & Renewal Ali S. Harfouch

Inventing the Sovereign State

In telling a story that accounts for sovereignty, we can think through the possibility of a politics without sovereignty and the implications that such a politics would have on liberatory politics

Ali S. Harfouch on modernity, Islam, and second creators

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