The Genealogies of Modernity Journal
What is Genealogy? A Philosopher’s Response
Kierkegaard is the thinker that overcomes the systemic optimism of Hegel with meaning and morality actualized by personal commitment to truth, goodness, and beauty.
Chris L. Firestone responds to the Genealogies of Modernity podcast
A Vocation to Heal: On Medicine and Morality
Physicians must acknowledge that our wellness comes from embracing our authentic identity, not from a pursuit of individual happiness. The great challenge that lies before us is not so much to heal humanity or to heal ourselves, but rather a renewal of the search for our lost communion.
Michael McCarthy on Walker Percy, medicine, and service of others
The Heaven of the Transhumanists
To adopt the transhumanist vision is to think of incarnate reality as something to be saved from. To adopt Gabriel Marcel’s vision is to recognize that our salvation, or at least hope for our salvation, is already present before us.
Geoffrey Karabin presents two visions for a post-modern heaven
On Meaning and History
Intention is only in the attempt, not the deed. The meaning of an act is discovered in the dialectic between the stretched hand and what it finds.