The Genealogies of Modernity Journal
Uncorking Some Scruton
Scruton, looking at our days “sub specie aeternitatis,” even thinks that this time of decay gives us an opportunity to work on the behalf of religion, morality, and culture that “no previous generation has been granted, and which no future generation may desire.”
Julian Kwasniewski reviews Against the Tide
The Diverse Roots and Routes of Liberty
There are many roads to modern liberty, but some focus not on the triumphant will but on the richness of the person and our commitments to one another.
Fred Bauer on an off-liberalism marked by care, duty, and solidarity rather than autonomy
Developing an Off-Liberalism
Rather than being merely anti-liberal or anti-postliberal, the off-liberal reveals (and perhaps revels in) the heterogeneity of sources for the so-called “liberal” order.
Fred Bauer on developing an off-liberal approach to modern political predicaments
A Genealogy of Progressivism: Twentieth-Century Gnostic Liberalism
The roots of the present distemper go back to the turn of the twentieth century, when figures such as John Dewey sought to delete the Christian DNA from the genome of liberalism and insert Gnostic DNA in its place.
Andrew Latham does a genealogy of Gnostic Liberalism