The Genealogies of Modernity Journal
Fry and Arendt: A Philosophical Debt
It is fitting that Arendt, a thinker who celebrates the possibilities of natality—the joy of new beginnings and of unpredictable ripple effects—made such a long-distance friendship possible.
Sanjana Rajagopal on intellectual debts and friendships
Pearl Diving in the Archives
After all, isn’t that really what Ressourcement is? A turn to the sources of the past to bring more vitality, and even spiritual vitality, into the present.
Brenna Moore considers a genealogical return to forgotten sources
Forever Young: Hannah Arendt and Natality
If we lose track of natality, newness, and birth, we will ourselves become gray-haired obstructers of the new. Genealogists do not just trace the past. We are students of birth.
Terence Sweeney on genealogy and old age with Arendt and Nietzsche