The Genealogies of Modernity Journal
A Genealogy of Progressivism: Twentieth-Century Gnostic Liberalism
The roots of the present distemper go back to the turn of the twentieth century, when figures such as John Dewey sought to delete the Christian DNA from the genome of liberalism and insert Gnostic DNA in its place.
Andrew Latham does a genealogy of Gnostic Liberalism
Modernity Is a Word of Crisis: Cyril O’Regan on Christian Memory
What O’Regan emphasizes for Christian genealogy is the work of memory. We all too easily forget; we are all tempted by misremembering. We must keep vigil for the return of our Master.
Terence Sweeney reviews Exorcising Philosophical Modernity.
Gnostic Modernity
Gnosticism is not limited to the Christian heresy, but is an entire worldview built on the belief that the world in which we live is not actually good, true, or beautiful.
Rachel Coleman asks whether modernity is fundamentally gnostic.