The Genealogies of Modernity Journal
Where Do Bioethics Begin?
Do bioethicists actually change minds?
An interview with Michael Deem
The (Newest) Population Problem
There are two questions: ‘Should I have kids, knowing they will contribute to the climate crisis?’ and ‘Should I have kids, given the climate crisis they will face?’
Anthony Shoplik on having kids in the age of climate change
More to Virtue than Justice
While the ancients understood justice as one virtue among many, we often view justice as the sole, super-virtue… thereby distorting justice itself and re-ordering it into something very different.
Br. Nicodemus Thomas on reuniting the cardinal virtues
Medieval Ecocriticisms
To my surprise, I found Pope Francis a medievalist, St. Francis an eco-theologian, and a papal encyclical a work of literary ecocriticism.
Kathryn Mogk Wagner on medieval studies and ecocriticism
Augustine, Violence, and the Novelty of Machiavelli
Machiavelli follows Augustine by demythologizing violence, stripping it of the gloss of legend and heroism. He departs from him by adding that it is necessary, excusable, and worthy of imitation.
Brian Harding on violence and political reality
Art and the Restoration of the Value
If the loss of value is the affliction of our time, and if the recovery of value is going to be this serious and this painful, we will need to dig deep into the heart of the artistic enterprise to find the thing that has gone missing.
Tom Break on Simone Weil and the loss of value
Nuclear Counterfactuals: Part II
Truman’s decision was an inevitably flawed human attempt to come to grips with a wicked problem, in the absence of perfect knowledge and in the full knowledge that the stakes were world-historical in significance.
Andrew Latham on counterfactuals and the atom bomb
Civil Monsters Versus Moral Monsters
“What then can be done against the force of a fearful political imaginary?
Tim Barr investigates the different meanings of ,monster, and its use throughout history