The Genealogies of Modernity Journal
Disenchantment Talk
Disenchantment talk… has the benefit of raising an alternative way of viewing reality to what has become deeply ingrained and habitual in us all.
Travis DeCook responds to the Genealogies of Modernity podcast
Disenchantment and Mass Advertising
Rosenberg reminds us that we can't assume modernity means a sundered sacrality. Rather, our discovery that we can produce the sacred means there is potentially more of it than ever before.
Lyle Enright reviews The Rise of Mass Advertising
Enchantment Remains: On Baseball and Modernity
The old ways have not died. Enchantment remains. The very soul of baseball seems up for grabs, with mystery, enchantment, and superstition on the one hand, and science, disenchantment, and statistics on the other.
Jeffrey Waldon on Christopher Beha’s The Index of Self-Destructive Acts
Magic and Modernity
Instead of free-thinking Deists, a new generation of physicians argued that the experience of paranormal phenomena indicated a kind of mental or physiological illness.
Richard Yoder looks to early modernity to examine magic, science, and the origins of modernity.
Haunted Modernity: Francis Bacon’s Ghost Ship
We are dealing with a ghost ship, a reminder that the modernity we seek to understand is profoundly haunted.
Christopher Fite asks what a “haunted modernity” means for the history of science.