The Genealogies of Modernity Journal

Decline & Renewal Terence Sweeney Decline & Renewal Terence Sweeney

Living in Liturgical Time

If time is only contingencies, then Christians will lose their way in time. But if time is a place in which the eternal emerges, then there is a path for Christian thinking within a liturgical life.

Terence Sweeney resists the modern flattening of time

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Decline & Renewal Maria Cecilia Ulrickson Decline & Renewal Maria Cecilia Ulrickson

A Genealogist of Slavery Confronts the Archives

We can tell stories other than slavery’s violence, but does that extend dignity to enslaved, brutalized humans? Does a story ‘against the grain’ face down the thing the archive does (preserving violence and creating race)? Or does a story about the violence memorialize violence?

Maria Cecilia Ulrichson asks what Christian genealogy can learn in the archives

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Philosophy & Religion Ryan McDermott Philosophy & Religion Ryan McDermott

Nietzsche Was Not a Genealogist

Contrary to Foucault’s account of genealogy, Nietzsche characterizes his enterprise as the discovery of the true (singular) origin of intellectual and cultural phenomena. Genealogy, in his disparaging account, gets it wrong.

Ryan McDermott develops an answer to the question: what is genealogy?

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