
Each month we keep track of the different paths modern life is taking and how writers are keeping up. Here are some routes we found in March that opened new vistas on what it means to be modern and how we became that way.

Maybe we focus too much on memory. What really matters is forgetting. The Paris Review

Want to understand secularization? Well, it mostly has to do with sex and children. Church Life Journal

Do the math. Modernity originated with geometry. The New Atlantis

The Divine Comedy turns 700! The New Criterion

Turns out doing genealogy can end up connecting us to God. U.S. Catholic

What if a major figure in intellectual genealogy was a pedophile? Daily Sabah

For Hofstadter, the American “liberal” tradition is just a handicap on our political imaginary. The Point Magazine


Misdiagnosing Shakespearean Modernism


The Ecology of a Different Modernity